Friday, February 19, 2010
Tips for Sharing the Road with Large Trucks

Sharing the road is often one of the most common topics of conversation, especially between the likes of truckers and passenger vehicles. It is important that general motorists are aware of how to drive when sharing the road with large trucks, so as to be understand the trucks moves and operation and therefore, drive safer and more responsibly. Although sharing the road with a large truck can be very daunting, it’s easily done so long as you make sure you follow a few tips and techniques.
When following or next to a large truck, it's important you try to remain visible. If you are following behind a large truck, and you cannot see both of the trucks side mirrors, then you are far too close. Remember, if you can see the trucker drivers face in the side mirrors, then they can see you too.
Never tailgate, this is a given for every driver, no matter who you may be following, but in this circumstance, it's even more important. You should always maintain the safest possible distance between you and the vehicle in front of you. For cars, this distance is a standard 2-second interval. However for truckers, you must allow a three to four second following distance.
When it comes to passing large vehicles, it requires a lot more time and space than passing your average car. When traveling on a two-way road, you should signal as soon as it is clear and pass with care. Once you have passed, you must move safely back into your lane, you will know it's safe to do this once you can see the entire truck in your rear view mirror. If it's a particularly rainy day, it's advisable that you set your windshield wipers to their highest setting before attempting to pass to ensure that you can see.
When large trucks are turning it is sometimes necessary for them to use two lanes in order to safely turn. They need a lot of room to maneuver and have a much wider turning radius. When a truck indicates they are going to turn, allow appropriate space and let them finish the turn.
Sharing the road with larger vehicles may seem daunting as it first. Truckers will often respect you for respecting them, so always make sure the next time you're driving alongside a large vehicle, you do so safely and responsibly.
If you're interested in learning more about truck driver safey or getting your CDL license visit try the FREE CDL Practice Test.
Labels: defensive driving, defensive driving techniques, driver education, driver safety, driver training
Posted by NSC - Traffic Safety
7:13 AM

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