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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Best And Worst Cities For Driving In New York

Allstate Insurance Company released their annual report on the best and worst cities in which to drive. The study looked at Allstate collision claims and compared them to the national average and ranked the nation's cities by population. To prevent any type of special event such as floods and hurricanes from skewing the results, the Allstate actuaries analyzed figures over a two year period to reach their results.

The list shows a driver's likelihood to be involved in a collision and the average number of years a driver in that city can expect to go between collisions.

Based on their results, the best to worst cities in New York for drivers, in terms of ranking, are:
  • Rochester – A driver in Rochester can expect to go 8.8 years between collisions and the chances for being involved in a collision are 13.4 percent more than the national average. Rochester was ranked number 118 overall in the national list of safest cities in America.
  • Syracuse - A driver in Syracuse can expect to go 8.8 years between collisions and the chances for being involved in a collision are 13.5 percent more than the national average.
  • Syracuse was ranked number 121 overall in the national list of safest cities in America.
  • Buffalo - A driver in Buffalo can expect to go 8.0 years between collisions and the chances for being involved in a collision are 24.4 percent more than the national average. Buffalo was ranked number 146 overall in the national list of safest cities in America.
  • New York - A driver in New York can expect to go 7.3 years between collisions and the chances for being involved in a collision are 37.6 percent more than the national average. New York was ranked number 171 overall in the national list of safest cities in America.
  • Yonkers - A driver in Yonkers can expect to go 7.2 years between collisions and the chances for being involved in a collision are 38.3 percent more than the national average. Yonkers was ranked number 172 overall in the national list of safest cities in America.
The complete Allstate report can be seen at: http://allstatenewsroom.com/releases/00c90674-c797-4dd0-82c8-3813ccbe1e1e:en-US/download/e3fc06ab-a016-4248-89ef-72454729bd0a

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